Discover the process of evaluating the cost of hair transplant procedure in Indore.

Discover the process of evaluating the cost of hair transplant procedure in Indore.

Is a budget-friendly hair transplant truly a wise choice?

Beware of clinics promoting a quick-fix solution for men’s baldness, as these may cause harm rather than help. Ethical and responsible cosmetic treatments, particularly safe hair treatments, should be prioritized. Be cautious of cheap hair transplant offers, which are often designed to profit at the expense of patient well-being.

It’s crucial to recognize that low-cost treatments carry significant risks to patient safety. In any invasive procedure, there is a heightened risk of infection due to the use of substandard equipment, inadequately trained staff, and a lack of a proper follow-up plan. Unregulated clinics only exacerbate these concerns.

Here’s what to look for before you freeze your option


Compromise in Safety at Seraphic

Is Hair Transplant safe? Are there any side effects?

Every medical procedure carries risks. This is where expertise and quality come into sharp focus. By investing in trained staff and modern equipment, it is possible to nullify side effects like infection, scarring, loss of grafts, and pain. Seraphic follows all international protocols and due diligence in executing the procedure, giving the patients safe and effective results at affordable prices.

USFDA Approved Procedures

No Cuts, No Wounds, Painless

1 Day Procedure

Spotlessly clean and hygienic clinic

100 % Sterilization prior to the procedure

Direct working by doctors themselves & all steps personally supervised by Dr Anil Soni

International operating room standards

100% emergency preparedness

"Consequently, 'LOW COSTS' add up in the long run as complications arise. You end up paying more! Visit Genesis for the safest FUE hair transplant in Indore and Central India."
Make an Appointment


+91 98930 14243



30 Kanchan Bag, Behind Ithlati Sarees, South Tukognaj main road, Indore


Monday - Saturday

10 AM - 08 PM


Emergencies only


30 Kanchan Bag, behind Ithlati Saree, Near Geeta Bhawan square, Indore

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